By Ian Urie

Well, the name of the foot of the intro screen should be a dead giveaway to any true Amiga Games player. Edgar M Vigdal!! The programmer responsible for that shoot fest known as Deluxe Galaga!!

Edgar returns with WarBlade ....���� better known as Deluxe Galaga.

The P.C. beta version is now available for download at his site.


Why he changed the name I've no idea, maybe to distinguish between the two or because he has new ideas with this version of the game. Whatever!!

This version of the game requires DirectX ver.7 or better to run.� As it's an early beta, Edgar warns on the page that there are parts not working yet.

The beta I downloaded was Beta 3 and it comes in a Zip file. The file is approx. 4.6mb, so it's quite a bit larger than the original version on Amiga. Unzip the archive and you are left with the parent directory and sub directories called Data, Gfx and Samples. Simply click on the Warblade exe to start the game.

The game has very few options yet.

First thing you notice. The game looks absolutely tremendous!!! It is so much bigger and more colourful now.

I've included a few screen dumps to show what I mean, but you really have to play the game to get the full effect. Edgar has locked this beta at 70hz, but it flies. This beta only has 5 levels released but the full version should include a level editor. All the familiar parts of Deluxe Galaga are there, albeit in more colourful aspect. The explosions are gorgeous and wait till you see the Saucer if you are slow in finishing a level! Oh wait, didn't I include a picture of that?

All the best graphics in the World can't compensate for a lack of gameplay, but then again, Edgar hasn't been guilty of that in the past and this is no exception to his previous outings. The gameplay rocks!!

It might only be a Beta but if the finished game plays anything like as well, I'll be very happy. I was used to getting to Admiral rank in Galaga and having millions of points, in this version I'm lucky to get to level 5. In the old Galaga, I was used to getting a good gun, then waiting for the Money ship .. I haven't even seen the Money ship yet. But it ain't going to beat me, I whupped its ass before and I'm damned if I won't this time

All the old favourites are there, including the Meteor Storm, the Shop, the Match Pairs game etc. So far I haven't seen the Money Sucker, but I'm sure it will appear sooner rather than later.

Amiga users would recognise this game with no trouble. My other big difference is using the keyboard instead of a joystick.

As expected, the game is nowhere near finished yet, but hopefully soon, it will be. And then, of course, it will be reach in the pocket and pay the guy again.

Maybe he'll give a discount to Amiga users who paid the shareware the last time?

Anyway, I look forward to it. So if you own a P.C. and you miss the rush of playing Galaga (since its mentioned on the UAE notes as having problems with sprites), fret no more. Download this version and give it a go. I guarantee you won't be disappointed!!
